10 tips to grab the happiness the world hereafter
Absolutely everyone in the world strives for happiness.You will not find a single person who would not want to be happy. Regardless of gender, age, profession, etc. In order to find happiness, a person needs to understand what constitutes happiness. Happiness - it's a feeling that gives the state of pleasure and satisfaction. It is also important to understand the psychology of happiness that we understand, over a part of it, we have control.
Happiness consists of three elements:
1. 50% of happiness is due to genetics. This means that each of us has a tendency to a certain level of happiness. Some people are by nature more prone to experience the joy, than others.
2. About 10% of our happiness depends. Our age, gender, personal experience, state.
3. The remaining 40% of human happiness depends on the planned activities, classes, which is chosen by people themselves.
As human beings, we can not control our genetic predisposition and can hardly control the external circumstances. These 50% of happiness in Islam are called "chloride bi al-Kadhim" - contentment with their lot. This means that, as believers, if we truly love God, you are satisfied with your interests in life. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) called out words that emphasized the importance of the pleasure of fate, therefore, we have committed to this:
"I'm happy Allah as a Lord, Islam as a religion, and Muhammad as a prophet!".
"O Allah, give me the satisfaction that you have already decided for me, and well-being that you gave me, so I did not want to rush that you deferred to me."
"O Allah, verily I seek refuge in You from the useless knowledge from the heart, do not be humble, by pleading, which will not be heard, from the soul, which does not (can) be satisfied."
From the above it can be concluded that only 40% of his happiness man can work. It should be noted that 40% of these do not depend on the material component as a material represents the time, and nothing temporal can not make a person really happy. True happiness is contentment, and it is achieved only through permanent. So these 10 steps will make us happier:
1. The quest for contentment of Allah - nothing can make a person happier than the pursuit of contentment God. Wherever it may be, a person who seeks to contentment of the Most High, he finds contentment as performing its main mission of his life.
2. Thanks. The more grateful we are for their position, all that we have, the more contentment, peace of mind we acquire. God gives a man his bounties and blessings. Thanks for what Allah has blessed you with, is really very important.
"If you are grateful, I will grant you even more. And if you are ungrateful, then surely I am suffering from grievous "(Sura" Ibrahim ", 7).
3. Saturate the soul, not the body - work on what brings you inner happiness, a smile on his heart. Engage in significant matters related to the good deeds. Gifting someone happiness makes the person happy.
"Human Wealth is not an abundance of worldly goods.The real wealth - is the richness of the soul. "
4. Avoid comparing yourself with others. Do not compare yourself with people who are more rich, wealthy, influential - have achieved more in worldly affairs than you. Before Allah man appears, depending on the level of their faith. Instead, look at the lives of the prophets and the Sahaba, the righteous women, and strive to do the same.
"Look at those who are below you, and do not look at those above, because it is the best means of contributing to the fact that you do not neglect the grace provided to you by Allah."
5. Do not rely on anyone but Allah. All of their hopes and expectations point the only One Allah, because He alone can change the situation of the people.
"God, give me enough that you made lawful to alienate me from the fact that you made unlawful, and enrich me with his generosity, which gives me independence from all other besides thee."
6. Develop a good relationship with others. A person should always be ready to help and take care of others, showing compassion and kindness, prescribed by God.The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) advised to improve relations in the family and ordered the people to keep good relations with people.
"All creatures are dependent on Allah, and the most beloved to Allah's creation is the one who best relates to His creatures."
7. The mode and order. Mode means the sequence, the order is correct and in the head. In addition, one has the correct mode, there are no problems with sleep and lack of sleep, which automatically makes a person uncollected and does not allow him to fully take care of business. Sleep deprivation makes it unproductive in the above paragraphs.
The Prophet distributed his time into three parts: one part - to worship Allah, the other - for family and social affairs, and the third - for himself.
8. Be a part of the Ummah. Be part of something big - it gives a sense of security and support, in addition, does not allow despair during difficulties. Engage in meaningful activities that will benefit both you and others.
"The Muslim community (Ummah) is like a single body.If sore eyes or head, the whole body suffers from pain. "
9. The use of halal food. Proper nutrition allows us to keep ourselves in a healthy shape, which makes happy and allows you to focus on the main things. In addition, using the permitted foods, a person performs an order of their Lord.
10. Good physical shape. Good state of our health makes us happy. Modern scientists say that exercise is an antidepressant, and increases endorphins content after a good workout.
With these 10 steps and invocation of Allah's help, we hope that you will be happier and will be able to find the most transparent in the eternal happiness of the world. Be happy!
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Category: Teachings/Belief
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