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What is the month of Rajab has particular virtues?

Unknown | 12:45:00 AM | 0 komentar

What is the month of Rajab has particular virtues?
Allah, exalted is he, creates what he wills and chooses among his creatures than he wants. In his infinite wisdom, he gave some months more merits than to others. It is as well that he chose the sacred months and characterized by virtues and considerable privileges.

Allah, exalted is he, says on this subject:

« The months Allah are number twelve in the book of Allah, the day where he created the heavens and the Earth; four of them are sacred.Such is the right religion, so don't be not unfair to yourself during these months. "(Quran 9/35).

« Them you wonder about making war during the sacred months.Say: ' fight is a serious, but more serious sin yet Allah is to obstruct the way of Allah, to be unholy to it and the Sacred Mosque, and expel thence its inhabitants. « » (Quran 2/217).

« Believers! Profane rites of Allah, nor the month sacred, sacrifice animals, nor the garlands, nor those who move to the sacred house seeking their Lord's grace and approval. » (Quran 5/2).

« Month sacred to holy month, and all sacred things (to compensate) by the law of retaliation. So anyone who assaults, gargantuan it making him the favor. Fear Allah and know that Allah is with the righteous. "(Quran 2/194).
NDT: 'Sacred sacred month month' is a structure based on the model of "eye for eye, tooth for a tooth." This means: if they attack during the sacred months, attack them than even during the sacred months.
The Sunnah which role is to explain said briefly in the Quran and to detail its laws and its precepts stated the names of the sacred months as demonstrated by the following hadith:
According to Abu Bakra, the Prophet () held a long sermon on the pilgrimage of farewell in which he said: « time did a trick to return as the day when Allah created the heavens and the Earth; a year is twelve months of which four are sacred. Three of them follow: 
Dzulqa'dah, Dhu'l-Hijjah, Muharram. The fourth is Rajab (tribe) Mudhar, which is between Jumada and Chaaban. »
This hadith proves unambiguously that the four sacred months are: Dhoulq'ida, Dhu'l-Hijjah, Muharram and of course Rajab.

The Arabs of the pre-Islamic era is prohibited during the sacred months of Dhoulq'ida, Dhu'l-Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab. They considered these months as a time of absolutely sacred truce and were suspending all conflicts, even those who were fiercest. Each was struggling to not cause harm to his neighbor and especially to not shed his blood.

The Qur'an and Sunnah have confirmed the sanctity of these four months as demonstrated by the verses and the hadith above;However, the month of Rajab is particularly the theatre of many innovations in religion (bid'a-s) we will try to review in this article:

1) the sacrifice of an animal : this practice comes from the pre-Islamic era. Indeed, this time people used to sacrifice a beast in Rajab they called al-'Atira. This sacrifice continues to be practiced today despite its outright repeal the following Saheeh hadeeth:
According to Abu Hurayra, the Prophet () said: « there in Islam nor Fara' or ' Atira. . (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim).
NDT: Fara' is the name given to the camel sacrificed to idols.

2) the celebration of a feast : some Muslim communities celebrate a feast that they claim to be religious, in the month of Rajab during this festival people eat sweets and other. However, it is well known that the feasts in Islam are well defined, it's two annual festivals (' Eid al-fitr and ' Eid al-adha) and a weekly (Friday). Any manifestation of religion apart from festivals is a pure and simple.

3) various acts of innovated worship during Rajab :

(a) the prayer of Rajab known among some of Salat al-rad ' ib : you should know that there is no text that proves the merits of this prayer.All the hadiths that speak of the merits of Salat al-rad ' ib which takes place the night of the first Friday of Rajab are mounted from scratch and completely wrong addition. This prayer that has emerged at the beginning of the fourth century of the Hegira is a pure innovation according to the majority of scholars.

(b) the young of a certain number of specific during Rajab days : you should know that the month of Rajab is part of the sacred months, supererogatory fasts during these months is recommended under General hadiths which recommend the faithful multiplied fasting month sacred fasting three days of each month and fast in absolute terms. But there is no Saheeh hadeeth spent fasting some days in particular of the month of Rajab, either the first day or another day of the month. The hadeeth narrated from Anas indicating that: " there is a river in paradise called Rajab, its water is whiter than milk, and sweeter than honey, whoever fasts one day of this month, God o'club it this river. " is very low according to specialists in the field.
Similarly, the hadeeth of Ibn ' Abbas that: " fasting for a day of Rajab is equivalent to fasting for a month. Anyone who is fasting for seven days, the seven gates of hell will be closed before him. Anyone who is fasting eight days will find the eight gates of paradise open before him. And whoever fasts are ten days will see his sins converted to pious works. ' is also very low as the precise al-Suyuti in Al-hawi lil-fatâwi.

In General, the Prophet () has encouraged to fast during all the months and especially those among them who are sacred, without however offering Rajab a special status. Some companions along with Ibn ' Abbas, Ibn ' Umar, and Anas ibn Malik advised to fast during the month of Rajab. ' Umar ibn al-Khattab was even hit on the hands of the people to force them to eat. He told them to do not do like Ramadan.
(c) pay Zakat during the month of Rajab : with regard to Zakat, in the light of the Sunnah and the use of the first generations of this Ummah nothing proves need to pour it over Rajab, what is certain is that it is the responsibility of every Muslim to pay on its goods reaching thenisab (minimum taxable) are retained for one year regardless of the month in which it is located.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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