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the conquest of makkah short story

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the conquest of makkah short story

The conquest of makkah short story
An another blessing of Allah that has occurred during this month at the time of the Revelation, is the liberation of Makkah - in year 8 of the Hegira, which was the stronghold of the Qouraichites, and which the latter had forced the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahou alayhi wa sallam) to leave a few years earlier, at the risk of his life...Eight years later, it (sallallahou allaihi wa sallam) returned with an army of several thousand men and took the town practically without shedding blood.Here again, history shows us how the ways of our Lord are impenetrable:

Everything starts this time two years earlier, in the year 6 a.h., when the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahou alayhi wa sallam) sees in a dream that it is trying to perform the pious visit of the Ka'bah - Umrah. His awakening, he decided to go to Makkah with a little more than a thousand companions (radhia Allahu anhu) to realize what he has seen.However, they are intercepted along the way by the meccans, preventing them from entering Makkah that same year: A Pact is signed between them and the Muslims to Houdeibiya; This Pact even which, in appearance, severely goes against the interests of Muslims, but, already, the Qur'an describes as "fatham moubina", of "victory"...

One of the clauses of this agreement is that hostilities between Muslims and meccans are interrupted for a period of 10 years: the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahou allaihi wa sallam) will take advantage of the Truce to send of missives to the monarchs around Saudi inviting them to Islam. In year 7, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahou alayhi wa sallam) share with Muslims to perform the replacement of the Umrah of the previous year which had not been able to be accomplished. The meccans not to allow to stay at Makkah for only 3 days. After this period, they return to Medina. But it subsequently events take an unexpected turn: the Meccans broke the Treaty concluded at Houdeibiya and Prophet Muhammad (sallallahou alayhi wa sallam) then takes the decision to raise an army against them and free Makkah. This is what he does during the month of Ramadhan of the year 8 A.h..What is remarkable on this occasion, it is the attitude it adopts: he entered Makkah head fucked on his mount, thus expressing his humility. Then, it purifies the Ka'bah all idols it contained, before addressing the meccans and question them about what they think of the fate that awaits them: Finally, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahou alayhi wa sallam) forgive... Them that had insulted it and persecuted, had wanted to undermine his life and pushed him to leave Makkah, he will let them go freely without revenge...

This liberation of Makkah is of paramount importance for many reasons, among which is the fact that it was the starting point for the acceptance of Islam by the inhabitants of the Arabian peninsula, as describes the Koran: 

« when comes the help of Allah and victory and you see people entering the religion of Allah in crowds. , [...] » (S110/V1 and 2)

And this another historic win will still take place during the blessed month of Ramadhan...
In passing, I would like to stress that these two events (the victory at Badr and the liberation of Makkah) and their chronology contain for us an essential reminder: as Muslims, we must always keep our eyes fixed on the power and the power of Allah, and not on appearances, so often misleading...

  • Badr, the Muslims were so poor materially and militarily, and yet the final victory returned them...
  • Houdeibiyah, the Covenant was apparently unfavourable to Oumar (radhia Allahu wasrafhu) and many other Muslims were terribly disturbed... but in the end, there yet, it is revealed that this Treaty is going to be at the origin of a series of events that will succeed to lead the liberation of Makkah...
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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