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How do you know your character name

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How to know your personality than your name

How do you know your character name
The human personality 
There are many things that we life not entered us, these things named which associate with us from the first moment of letting go on this life, and which has chosen us (parents) or other people, did you know that your name had any role in influencing your life and do you know what is the meaning of your name and its significance? And do you think you resemble your name? That's what we'll talk about it in our article. 

Whatever name it affects her; if the name is good, it makes her socially acceptable, and gives him a good human relations, and bring him profile, either it was named odd or ugly or outdated and non-mainstream era; it adversely affects her through social relations can irony brings him from some people around him. And if we work exploring the people believe in the Sheikh who owns the name: Abdullah, or Abdul Rahman, or Abdul Aziz, more than faith in the Sheikh who claims: shady, or fady, or Bashar. 

It is worth mentioning that the names also affect children, who carry the names of their characters would be pretty balanced, and will try to become semi names, children who are too old or names with meanings raises cynicism, that creates in them shame, complications, and could reach the stage of introversion. 

The personality of his name 
Girls names 

  • Smile: pursue perfect in her life although she kind of humble in its dealings with around, moving and often have active positions 
Variable, are eligible to bear the responsibility, clearly, with brilliance and depth of thought, have a collection property. 

  • Arwa: a compassionate weshvokh to the vulnerable and needy, good-hearted, tolerant, loving and fun looking, continuous, very smart and know when to say no and it makes it easier when satisfied. 
  • Names: a clear, her intelligence and often her insightful, thoughtful to the surrounding interiors were defined and its purposes are often eligible to assume responsibility. 
  • Amani: a sensitive to criticism of her style, reliable when needed, dealing with other people, not like they choose, clear around wit but her mood is difficult and fickle. 
  • Faith: a dependent logical thinking and a love for excellence in style and thinking her life in General, a modest but don't like the surface reflection and favours further study before taking decisions, can be relied on by those around them when needed. 
  • Bushra: mother love fame, despite feeling around b kind of condescension and arrogance in its actions, but it's the opposite; they are good human beings and non-perky, lively and animated, it might be $ also travel between countries, it is also volatile opinion but fun-loving and comfortable to Kali a lot. 
  • Dana: the love of independence who around and uphold their positions stubbornly clear when necessary, despite the cleverness which recognized them around, while paper printed only as volatile mood difficult to satisfy, but remains realistic in its dealings. 
  • Rasha: a good personality in General, Laugher like smiling, likes to be by fine and to mediate and accompanied to the loved ones of others, find themselves driven to fame. 
  • Rana: thin foul, soft in their dealings with others, highly sensitive and difficult to please her, have a sense and feeling artistically shows its impact on their lives are kind of fun and loves swimming and joke and are attracted to Kali. 
  • Sarah: a open the around, eligible to take responsibility and be willing to sacrifice for the sake of love, the love of humor and fun and comfortable for her, offered her a researcher seeking what is happy and pleased. 
  • Abeer: often a open to others imaginative, light shadow around her, loving the llonash position the chest but volatile attitudes, her own views that distinguish them from others, for love, knowledge, looking for whatever, find themselves looking for every work published mentioning Tayyib. 
  • Lena: a modest but realistic and bold personality and independent thinking who around, thin, smooth and soft temperament, sensitive to criticism, has 
Sense of art and fickle mood difficult to please her when bothered by this. 

  • Maha: a high ambitions, thoughtful, intelligent, peaceful, has its share of sleepless, usually don't like confrontation, like the old holdings retention and not concede easily. 
  • MI: beautiful name for a unique, by thinking differently, to live life in its own way, deep thinking smart insight. 
  • Jasmine: a open to others, and a unique personality who around, responsible and reliable intelligence of the kind of deep, soft temperament, mood somewhat, with artistic inclinations, and is seeking the ideal requirements. 
The names of the men 

  • Ahmed: Conservative personality and respect the traditions, while micro arihith but he knows when to say no, lover and clutching his views sharply. 
  • Khaled: a bold man in his dealings with people, brave in launching initiatives, generous soul and pride when needed, stick to their positions to the point of stubbornness sometimes. 
  • Invalid: hard man restless until their wishes, insisting he wants to reach. 
  • Abdallah: the audacious personality in his dealings with others, he had potential to creativity and thinking creatively. 
  • Adel: personal love for knowledge, thinking style of many intelligent and savvy, maintained its positions in all hardness. 
  • Abdul Aziz: personal enjoys inherent intelligence features independent thinking, its ability to spread social surroundings. 
  • Osman: fine names in meaning but abandoned these days, advocated by lucky man is mostly, with modesty likable, thin foul and soft-spoken, thoughtful, highly sensitive, despite some ambiguity in his personality. 
  • Emad: personal feature in depth thinking, loving and passionate knowledge, personal characteristics highlighted insisting his positions pretty stubborn sometimes. 
  • Persia: an open personality, and likes to mingle with people and groups, and speaker, fluent expression of himself and declared his ideas, courage and morality of chivalry, cream in his dealings take decisions quickly without thinking. 
  • A: the personality known as intelligence and depth of thought, Lin foul, qualified to assume responsibility and capable, shafouq of needs, thin foul, does have a social networking feature. 
  • Majid: humble with, intelligent and loving of change and renewal, high power, characterized by some stubborn sometimes, however, is qualified to be a deep reflection. 
  • Mazen: a proliferation of human social surroundings, temperamental, tendencies and interests often see art thinking in posing. 
  • Muhannad: mysterious man and somewhat egotistical or so feel around him, his stubbornness is very clear for others but it does not feel quite sensitive of criticism against him, draining his views definitely sometimes without regard for the feelings of those around him. 
  • Animated: human spirit and loves life, bold in his dealings with others, social aspects to the extent that some describe as insecticide, stubborn and insists on his view, great confidence in his abilities and he also likes fun and entertaining. 
  • Yusuf: someone conservative and respectful of traditions, looking perfect in his dealings and loves justice, with people but loves excellence aslo his style of Aisha, though his dream could only chest that is some cruelty when it provokes. 
The personality of the characters named
The psychologists in several studies on names and directories, and these studies 56%, and is based on the first letter of the name, and from these studies: 

Name resolution in Arabic characters 

  • If your name starts with one of the characters, and are 
(A, e, I, m, p, u, y) the owner, impressed and nervous, energetic, arrogant, and ideally, intelligent, and passionate. 

  • If your name starts with one of the characters, and are: 
(B, f, j, n, r, w, z) to the owner of a modest, good-hearted, patient, and demure, and Buffy in his emotions. 

  • If your name starts with one of the characters, are: 
(C, g, k, h, s, v, note), accompanied by compassionate, pensive, and fantasy, and in need of love and romance, and vulnerable. 

  • If your name starts with one of the characters, are: 
(D, h, l, p, t, g, g) the owner possesses a broad imagination, simplicity, and handle things, and is also cream. 

Name resolution in English letters 

And psychologists say that the first character of the name in English shows her personality and detail as follows: 

  • A: you are quite practical, since planning is what you get, but you're not patient, nor fly with anyone that tries to be nice to you. 
  • B: she loves to receive gifts from the beloved, very impatient to achieve what they bargained for, and control your emotions and your feelings and desires, tmeltk ability to run adventures. 
  • C: you are sociable, lacks intimacy and proximity of the beloved, you very sensitive too, and have patience enough, an expert at controlling your desires. 
  • D: are you impulsive feelings, when you put someone in your imagination to be your lover, you can't abandon that desire, you are sensitive and sincere, free in your actions but consciously, but you would like to change others and lose your temper. 
  • E: you are the people you need to talk, looking from listening to you; you need my buddy and a friend than a lover. 
  • F: you are perfect and choose carefully, and affection you show and lavish, with that gentleman, brave and stylish. 
  • G: you hard your satisfaction, looking for perfection in yourself and the people around you, is very active, and I don't feel fatigue and tiredness. 
  • H: you need someone more than you enjoy life and have fun, your qualities of generosity; you are loving and affectionate and thin and strong, and you are very cautious in your relationships. 
  • I: you enjoy luxury and sensation, and air look, official relationships often prolong, not counting the obvious themes of fidelity you Savior. 
  • J: successful in establishing external relationships easily, but lacking faith in love; you need to be watered, and arise in love. 
  • K: you are secretive and shy and reserved to yourself, very attractive and sensitive and compassionate, but don't allow yourself to be so except with close friends. 
  • L: you are romantic, of course, are attracted to the charm and love charms, and enjoys a great deal of intelligence . 
  • M: you people who reach degrees of extreme love easily, have trouble expressing yourself, you can overcome the selfish nature, and your desire is to win no matter what charge with you order. 
  • N: you are emotional and sensitive and fanciful, all you want is someone neutral to you in passion, you totally believe in freedom, and inventory of inexhaustible energy. 
  • O: you tend to participate in recreational activities, but secretive and shy in declaring your desires, can guide you in making a fortune and glory. 
  • P: you're aware and poet of ethics in your community, don't dare think of doing behavior can hurt your image or reputation, and want a partner who cares about his appearance and his beauty, and intelligence. 
  • Q: symbolizes the first letter of your name that you need to stir and hard activity, kinetic, enjoying passionate nature and love. 
  • R: you are the owner of a high-level behavior, unable to guide and correct your behaviour alone, looking for someone who is compatible with you in mental abilities, and is constantly trying to prove you're the best. 
  • S: you are from people who prefer fun to work, you have the nature of jealousy and possessiveness, she loves to be in the spotlight, you are sensitive and compassionate, discreet and sometimes emotional. 
  • T: you're leading with your, unfold your personality to the music, dim lights, and you fancy and dreamer, and maintained a strong opinion, and don't bother with the other tips. 
  • U: you're passionate nature, tend you be overjoyed when you love, you always need a new adventure and a sense of enthusiasm you feel absolute freedom, care about your appearance and likes to be elegant. 
  • V: you are not hasty, you can wait until you identify the person who linked well, are attracted to strange eccentric nature, have a strong presence when it comes to danger, fear and anxiety. 
  • W: you are very proud of yourself, and wise in your decisions but you don't accept Word (not), psychological support comes from inside you. 
  • X: you constantly need to live in exciting, you have the ability to continue more than a relationship, and can't stop thinking about things. 
  • Y: you are very sensitive and independent personality, and that has not been able to do things with your you can forget the whole topic, you need to prove yourself that you are the best, always want to know the reaction of others towards your pro bono efforts. 
  • Z: you are very romantic, but you don't show your feelings easily, try by all means to relieve affection, and you are very social.

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