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For people who are new to Islam if there is a special bath

Unknown | 9:36:00 AM | 0 komentar

اسلام عليكما

Al-Instead, all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of hosts. Blessings and greetings hopefully gushing to King Rasulillah? Alaihi Wasallam, his family and his companions.

The terms of someone entering Islam is to say two sentences creed and his believe with a vengeance, without any doubt and indecision. While the large bath is not legitimately his islamic terms. Although the scholars differ about the detailed legal opinion about it, mandatory or sunnah?
For people who are new to Islam if there is a special bath

The scholars agree, shower for people who are new to Islam is prescribed. It is based upon the following ahaadeeth;

First, the hadeeth of Qais bin Hashim, "when he converted to Islam, the Prophetsallallaahu ' Alaihi Wasallam ordered him to take a bath with the water and the leaves of the Lotus." (Narrated by Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidhz, Al-Nasa'i and.Classed as Saheeh in Al-Misykah, no. 543)

Second, the Hadith of Abu Hurairah Radi ' Anhu about entering Islam a Tsumamah bin Utsal, the Prophet sallallaahu ' Alaihi Wasallam said to him, "take it he went to Bani fulan gardens and then take it." (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaymah, Abdurrazaq and originally existed at Shahihain)

Third, Usaid bin Hudair Islamic Stories, it is said that he asked Mus'ab Ibn As'ad bin Zararah Umari's record, "what are you doing when it will enter this religion?They said, "you take a shower, purity, clean up your apparel, pronounce sentences creed, then thou shalt pray ..." (Narrated by Al-Tabaraani dal al-al-Date with a Saheeh isnaad)

Based on some of the Hadith above then the scholars unanimously agreed that disyariatkannya would take a shower for people who recently converted to Islam, both the original entry of the heathen Islam or because the apostate. It's just that some of them contend the law is mandatory, and some others argue the sunnah.
Among those who argued the mandatory is Malik and Imam Ahmad rahimahumallah.

Even their opinion, whether it is on the person's self matters which require a bath or not. This is also the opinion of Abu Tsaur, Ibnul Mundhir, Ibn Hazm and.
The first group holds on zahir, hadiths above commands. While the origin of orders is mandatory. Orders to most people is the command to it entirely.

Imam Al-Shaafa'i argue anyone bathing for pagans who converted to Islam if he is in a State of junub before Islam. If not, then ruling the sunnah or mustahabb.
The reason, Islam remove load before Islam and many people have converted to Islam that if he ' Alaihi Wasallam ordered everyone who converted to Islam for bathing there must be explanation are indeed about this. As for the hadeeth of Qais bin ' Asim brought to istihbab. Imam al-Khathabi said, "and this is the opinion of the majority of scholars."

The evidence for the other amplifiers in one Hadith history Tsumamah, that he alone who go take a shower and then recently converted to Islam. Then the attached Tsumamah including iqrar (approval of the Prophet) instead of his orders, and this does not indicate a mandatory legal experts Usul. (Taudhih Al-Ahkam, Shaykh Al-Bassam: I/344-345)

Another argument in favor of it, while the Prophet sallallaahu ' Alaihi Wasallam sent muadh Ibn Jabal to Yemen he just told them to say two sentences syahdadat. If the bath is over people who converted to Islam is mandatory, must he ordered him, as he is the most important obligation included in Islam.So Imam al-Khathabi said, the majority of AHL ilmi argue over istibhah(recommended) his bath over people who converted to Islam, not his mandatory.(Taudhih Al-Ahkam, Shaykh Al-Bassam: I/345)

Dr. Muhammad Salih Abu al-Hajj answered questions about the law's bath for those who converted to Islam, "if he converted to Islam in a State the meaning of impurity?: he was in a State of impurity-required for her bath. Because fairly persists so that when he is impurity circumstances still converted to Islam. As for when he converted to Islam and was not in a State, then the bath impurity is sunnah for him and is not mandatory. And Allah knows best. "

In summary, the scholars agreed upon disyariatkannya bath for those who converted to Islam, just that some of them found this mandatory and some others found this sunnah. Allaah Ta'ala he used.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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