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7 tips howto enhance memory

Unknown | 12:43:00 AM | 0 komentar

7 tips how to enhance memory

7 tips Howto enhance memory 
Forgot where you put your car keys?
Forgot what you want from the grocery store?
You can't remember what the name of your trainer at the gym?
Not alone of forget these things we all suffer from it occasionally, that memory loss is something to be taken seriously. Despite the lack of safeguards to prevent memory loss but there are some useful tricks. Sometimes feel that you have reached the stage of dementia but these simple things with everyone forgetting is confronts us occasionally, but what is the solution?

Here are 7 tips to enhance memory :

1. maintain mental activity: physical activity also keeps your body in shape but the mental activity also maintains active memory and survival are strong, try to read the newspaper every day, solving crossword puzzles, learning to play a musical instrument, volunteer in a charity. Must focus on reading the newspaper every morning to know what happened today that news will help you think about what's going on and help to stimulate your mind at the start of your day, great to know what is happening around you?

2. mingle with society: social interaction helps to get rid of depression and stress both due to loss of memory, try to spend more time with family and friends. Interaction is a part of our lives, the more your relationships and your friends stayed active memory and his remember everything, talk to your friends on Facebook that could not see them or visit them.

3. be organized: if you carry your notebook your disoriented to take notes that you want to accomplish during the day or the days to come, and if you can't repeat in your mind what you want to do, and you can allocate a specific place for keys and wallet and things you might forget their place always.

4. focus: try not to do many things during the day or at the same time, focus on the most important information you can that reluctance to the tune of your favorite song. And try to put daily tasks at the beginning of every morning, day and the section number of hours and used to identify each task for a certain period of time do not mix things together, it helps you focus and achievement and a focus in General helps to evoke information faster and enhance memory.

5. follow a healthy diet: as health system for tracking your heart do so also for your brain, eating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, choose low fat protein sources such as fish and eating copious amounts of water.

6. physical activity during daily routines: that physical activity increases blood flow to the body and brain which helps to stimulate memory, so I'm working on allocating at least 20 minutes of daily exercise routine.

7. manage chronic illnesses: beware and neglect of doctor's recommendations for you if you have a chronic illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure and depression, as well as for tracking medications with the doctor if they affect memory or not.

Don't worry, do those tips and don't forget after Tuesday maintained above and not concerned anymore. Please Share


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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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