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5 tips to be a perfect wife

Unknown | 7:40:00 AM | 0 komentar

5 tips to be a perfect wife

5 tips to be a perfect wife 
That marriage must be based on friendship and respect every husband and wife rights and duties to each other but knows and recognizes that everyone that the task of building the family emotionally and family cohesion due mainly depends on the wife is the basic building block of family who cares about everyone and make him feel important in this life and should not concern itself with anything else and not feel like they are a burden in her life and especially so whenever the husband felt was important in her life notified Its importance and prestige has not deliberated much that man a traitor and he deserves no attention of any kind should caution him as being an enemy, every man needs a little attention and to feel that his wife is an ideal person for every one of us strives to be the perfect wife, but differs from the definition of perfect woman from man to another, there are many factors that help a woman to be the perfect wife. 

Learn how to be the perfect girl from the following tips : 

1. good manners : treat people the way you want to be treated, and the pair did well ash'ari its relevance to, be gentle and generous with it and with your kids, which works to develop respect and love him. 

2. respect : respect does not mean specifically alalkhadoa and slavery, but appreciation and discussion of thinking and understanding together, it charged the husband and respected introduction banner and name that you find light before the people, so the top of insolence and reduce. 

3. support : the lost his job don't you start crying and scream, or you respond to him as crazy. Instead try to assess his feelings at that moment and sympathy with and solicitude, because at this time is the need you to be supportive, the support of the most important ingredients of love. 

4. not to complain : more dislikes nagging wife, man, when you feel anything is incorrect or there is a problem you raised and resolved with your spouse try to choose the time and the tnaki topic quietly and without urgency. 

5. give a chance : you must know the wife that her husband's life does not stop then as his wife, but that he has a family, friends and co-workers and other things, and in this case the left a chance for these things, for example if you wanted to go out with his friends, does not stop him from it, and try to go with name.
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