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Palestine question

Unknown | 7:23:00 AM | 0 komentar

The origins and consequences of conflict between Jews and Palestinians:

In the early twentieth century, about 1 million Arabs lived in Palestine, which was under British rule. After World War II, began a nationalist struggle against the British occupation and Jewish settlement.
In 45, the United Nations approved the regional division, the only way to solve the conflict between 1.3 million Arabs and 800,000 Jews, and decided by the creation of two states: one Jewish, with 14,000 km square, and another Arabic, with 11,500 km square. The Arab countries refused to accept the agreement, which led to the war of 1948/49.
Consequence: about 1 million Arab Palestinians living under Israeli sovereignty, they lost their homes and took refuge in camps in gaza strip or emigrated to other Middle Eastern countries. About 300,000 remained in Israel, going to live as citizens of 2nd class. On the other hand, about half of Palestinians continued in the West Bank, which became part of Jordan from 1948 and in 1967 was occupied by the Israelis.
Palestine question
The Palestinians made movements of various political and ideological groups, with the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) and its main entity, led by Yasser Arafat, has also been recognized by the UN as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
Since 1988, the negotiations for the formation of a Palestinian state, have taken on a new meaning when King Hussein of Jordan, decided to give up all their rights in the West Bank. In August of the same year, Arafat said that "the PLO was willing to recognize Israel within the national law." Thus, the Palestinian leader was removing one of the last obstacles for they had direct negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis. The Palestinian bid had no good response from Israel. The government had to maintain his attitude to face the PLO as only a terrorist organization and refused to give any part of its territory.Seeing the other hand, in the first months of 1989, Israel began to face the intifada, growing opposition of the Arabs who lived there, whose street movements have caused death of over a thousand people.
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