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When we say that a person is barbaric we are trying to instill in her the sense that it is not civilized. But after all of which comes from this meaning?


The barbarous word is a descendant of the Greek term, actually means "one who is not Greek." So it was a form of Greek civilization appoint foreigners in addition to those whose linguistic basis was not Greek. The beginning of the use of this term was given in reference to the Persians, whose language culturalmeant that the Greeks understood as "bar-bar-bar".

However, the term barbarian will be widely known because of its characterization theGermanic peoples . The civilization of the Roman Empire in the years after the birth of Christ, gave this name to those who did not live within the borders of the Empire, and of course, not to speak Latin - Roman official language.Among the so-called barbarians , are: theFranks , the Lombards, the Huns, the Visigoths, the Vikings and the Ostrogoths.
These people hadcultures different, ie, each had its basecultural own. With this, the Romans began to use the term barbarian . We may recall that this concept had a derogatory character, or was used to stop those who do not belong to the culture Roman. This course of action has features in ethnocentrism.

Who were the barbarians?

People like the Huns, Franks and Lombards were polytheists - believe in many gods - lived on agriculture and had their different cultural habits of the Romans. The main god was Odin, god of wind and war. They believed in a life after death, where warriors would enjoy paradise after his death.

Social organization:

The social organization of the barbarians was distinct from Roman. It was based on a clan formed by families linked by kinship, where each protected the other, where the offense to any member was an offense to the group. As there was no state, the decision of theinstitution was the Warriors' meeting, whose purpose was to decide all questions, including who would be the ruler. After the decision, the official decided his bodyguard who swore allegiance to him in case of an attack and, in turn, won prizes and rewards - like land and wealth of other peoples.

Fall of the Roman Empire

The barbarians were one of the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire. The weakening of this political system was given by the barbarian invasions. Those that took place in two waves: the first with his penetration and assimilation of culture Roman peacefully, many of them received land pieces and were welcomed causing the culture Roman was "merged" with the culture of the variousbarbarian s . The second wave took place across the borders of the Roman Empire, whose flow of people was very large, strengthening the occupation of the Roman lands.
Several aspects of cultures barbarous focused heavily around the scene, later, of theMiddle Ages . His art and culture influenced many aspects, especially those that concern the architecture and religion.
Atilla the hun
Atilla the hun

The Huns:

Finally, it is valid to emphasize the Huns, whose people were, among all, the most violent and worshipers wars. In fact, they were nomads - had no fixed abode and live touring various places - and very good at raising horses. They live in their carts, and some tents as lay where they were. Your source of income was the looting to other populations and villages, so the war was essential. His presence in the region caused fear, for they were extremely violent and cruel to enemies.Its main leader was Attila the Hun leader responsible for many achievements and battles won.
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