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10 careers that are open to you if you are studying latin

Unknown | 4:31:00 PM | 0 komentar

10 careers that are open to you if you are studying latin
What we learn? The Latin and Greek could jump of the options available to college students. The debate is keen to opposethese dead languages intellectual virtues to the bas-du-front pragmatism that is to be operational for the world of business from the age of 15 years ("that they learn Chinese, it's them that have the money!") for example then the latin is not completely disconnected from the requirements of the world of work. In any case in certain branches where it is fashionable to touch a little in declensions. The proof:
  1. Latin teacher
    Yes, latin, it's a discipline that is auto-nourrit. The first interest to learn latin, is to transmit it. In fact, it may even be the sole interest.
  2. Pope
    If you want to be a serious Pope, do not go to show off with your studies from Greek, you'll spend for a hippie.
  3. Prophet (of the apocalypse)
    An end of the world, it looks in white Toga with a Bell, perched on a Chair in the middle of the street, and in LATIN!Any attempt you would spend for a terrorist potential. While a "Ibi deficit orbis" shouted on a rush hour subway platform, it makes its small effect.
  4. Lawyer
    If your customers include everything that you say, you serve more to nothing. For example, if you start an explanation "from what I understood of the civil code...", will be asked what is your added value compared to a bar owner. On the other hand, if you drag a "De lege lata" the air of nothing, they say 'Oh yeah, this type knows his profession'. Similarly, prefer a "Dura lex, sed lex" to "thats how bad it is"or"What do you want that I tell you... ""
  5. Catholic fundamentalist
    Mass, it's already a bit boring, if more understood nothing, it is simply a way of the cross (you?). So if you want to benefit from reduction ' on the bus for the demonstration for all or if you consider a career of Crusaders to regain the Holy land to the heretics of all kinds, will have to seriously dent your genitive and your dative.
  6. Owned
    If you plan to host Beelzebub and rotate your head swinging big words, including concerning the mother of your interlocutor, the latin is required (otherwise, Aramaic is equally the case). So, if you opt for a career as an Exorcist, it is also advisable.
  7. Emperor Roman
    Why there is more of good Roman emperors lately in Europe? Because the latin classes are empty! Simply! We are letting the monopoly of dictatorships to the Chinese and the North Koreans, is not with courses of techno and recorder in 4th will be a remake of worthy of the name empires. Because even in positions subordinate, centurion, decurion, entrance exams are in latin, and he is not entitled to the dictionary.
  8. Zoologist
    Suppose, you browse the Amazon rainforest or the Antarctic, you come face to face with a new unknown critter in the battalion and you have him spinning a name. If you have dried the course of latin, you will respond with fix a poor "monkey-salmon" or "papilloceros", and everyone is going to fuck your mouth and call you "le chasseur de dahu". On the other hand, if you give your new friend the name of "Lepidoptera Rhinocerotidae", on filera you a Nobel Prize (and your MOM will be proud).
  9. Alternative text editor
    When you want to highlight a page layout and divert the attention of the reader from the text itself, using a fake latin text, starting usually with "Lorem ipsum..." Except to know that it is fake Latin and find it funny, it should already have made the true latin. Latin, it is the Royal Road to the humor of printing.
  10. King of Orkney
    Although in this case, simply learn by heart a small slew of quotes. "Placet and spiritus Mundi", it makes no sense but it could very well imagine a translation of the type: "the Reed bend, but sells... If something goes wrong" what does mean nothing no more.

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