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Was Muhammad a true Prophet?

Unknown | 2:57:00 AM | 0 komentar

Was Muhammad a true Prophet?

Muhammad saw, the son of ´ Abdullah, Messenger and the last Prophet, is the Allâh to all inhabitants of the Earth has sent. You have to know that he Messenger is really and truly.Numerous evidence prove this fact.Only a denier can ignore this evidence on the basis of its arrogance.

The faithful repeat all the prayers and praises of Allah, the also Muhammad has spoken in different situations. These include among others the supplications, the he said when he traveled people greeted that House entered and left, entered and left the mosque, entered the bathroom and left, went to sleep, woke up, sighted the new moon, considered the early fruit, ate, drank, dressed, ascended to a means of transport, returned from the trip, etc.
Furthermore the faithful do all acts of worship, be it prayer, fasting, the donations or the pilgrimage, how's them their Prophet taught and made available.
All these matters allow the believers to live her life in detail, as it also the Messenger of Allah has done, as he stood around before them, as a living
Model to serve.
1. Muhammad grew up illiterate. He could neither read nor write, and remained so until his death. He was known among his people as the trusted and Wahrheitsliebende. Before his posting, until his 40th year, he had no knowledge of any religion or previous message. Then he got the first revelations that we have today as the Qurân. The Qurân mentions many of the events that are included in the earlier writings in such accuracy, as Muhammad had attended them as a witness. They are also reproduced in the Torah that Moses down was sent and in the Gospel, how's Jesus down was sent, were included. Yet neither the Jews nor the Christians believed that what Muhammad said.
2. Muhammad foretold many events that should befall him and his companions, and also the generations after them, be it in relation to the conquest of Makkas, the Elimination of the tyrannical rule of the Persian Kingdom, and of the byzantischen of Emperor or even the spread of Islâm throughout the world. All these events took place as well, as Muhammad she had predicted, so, as he had the future in his mind immediately.
3. Muhammad brought an Arabic Qurân, which is the peak of eloquence and clarity. This Qurân challenged the Arabs multillingual, label the Qurân as a lie, to write only a single comparable Sûra. They were not able to do so. Actually has been able until today nobody to write anything that comes even close to the noble Qurân in his order, grace, beauty and glory.
4. the life of this Prophet the perfect inspiration for sincere, compassionate, self-sacrificing, truthful, courageous, generous character, far from any Vice. He placed no value on the wealth of this world but sought only to the reward in the hereafter. He was righteous in all his deeds and actions and always mindful of Allah.
5. Allâh put much love for Muhammad in the hearts of those who believed in him. This love went so far that all believers were ready to sacrifice themselves and their mothers or fathers for him. To this day, love and honor the faithful Muhammad.Everyone would immediately give their wealth and their families to see him even for a moment.
6. in the entire history of mankind, there's no biography, which is so well preserved as that of Muhammad, and no person who has such an impact on humanity. Also there was never someone who on the morning, evening and each time is so often thought and remembered how to Muhammad. If the believers do, ask Allâh, Muhammad to honor and give him welfare. They do this to him wholeheartedly and in love.
7. There never was a man in everything he did, so has been followed, such as this until today the faithful do. They sleep as he slept, she cleaned so as he cleaned himself, they eat, drink and dress as he did so. In all situations, the believers adhere to the example of Muhammad and the way he's gone. In each generation from his time until today the faithful did on the teachings of this noble Prophet. Some people want to follow his example so far that he even in personal characteristics with the Prophet matches, although Allâh has not required this. So he eat some just exactly what has eaten, or wearing just exactly the kind of clothes that he liked.

8. never there was a human being who has experienced such love, comparable respect, a such honor attestation and such an obedience in all things, as the noble Prophet, and there will never again be such a man.
9 already during his lifetime, and right then, people of all Nations, skin colors, and people followed him. Previously, many of whom were Jews, Christians, Pagans, idolaters, or without any religion.Among them were people who were known for their logical judgments, their wisdom, their minds and their vision. They decided that the Prophet  to follow after seeing his characters, his truthfulness and his miracles. They followed him not from coercion or because their ancestors had also done so. On the contrary, many decided to accept Islâm, as Muslims were weak and some were even used as these worse oppression. You decided not to get material advantage. Many suffered extensive damage and had to endure extreme pain and repression because they opted for this route. But they never broke away from this religion. All this is anyone who has a good sense to realize that Muhammad really and truly is Messenger and not simply a man who claimed this and spoke without knowledge of Allâh.
10 Muhammad describes Allâh with its perfect properties and thus shows us that Allâh is above any defect. Neither a philosopher nor a wise man could do the same by itself, and it is really inconceivable that any man would have can imagine a being, that holds this perfect properties and size to subdue the entire creation and everything in this universe, whether small or large, and is doing perfectly merciful. It is also inconceivable that someone would have to imagine a such perfect law, based on such a degree of equality, objectivity, justice and mercy, as the law, the Muhammad was revealed. It relates to all areas of life, be it action, marriage, divorce, hire, the inheritance, the Testament, to store goods or any type of contract which are necessary to maintain life and civilization.
11. it is impossible that someone invents the wisdom, morality, good behavior and the virtues, the Prophet taught. He the best role model on good behaviour towards parents, family, relatives, friends, of mankind, animals, plants and all of creation was in every respect. It is difficult for people to understand this system completely and impossible, something close to produce comparable. All this clearly shows that this Messenger has is this religion not made, but has received from, who created the heavens and the Earth, and formed the entire universe in this wonderful perfection.
12 so how the divine creation is unrepeatable, is also the divine law, the Muhammad was revealed, unnachahmbar. Just as little, as a creature can create this universe, can a creature a law design, the law, the Allâh his servant and Messenger Muhammad has revealed, looks like.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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