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His beautiful Gippsland lakes in Australia

Unknown | 9:06:00 PM | 0 komentar

Gippsland lakes in Australia
Gippsland lakes in Australia is a network of swamps and lakes and ponds in Gippsland in eastern Victoria, Australia.
The lakes cover an area of about 600 square kilometres. And surprisingly in these lakes, it's not like any Lakes but shines in a natural way and gave flashes and glitter very beautiful and able photographer Phil Hart there to be litkt several wonderful picture of this beautiful sight.
And those flashes that appear in Lakes is not light lights placed inside the water, but a type of algae which radiates flashes or "The glamour sea" or "sea of fire" or "sea ghost".
And it rains that occurred in December 2008 to frequent such types of algae curiosities. 
And uses this dynamic harmony of these algae As a defense mechanism as it lights up when you feel near predators or enemies have also considered it as a ghostly glow attracts food algae and micro-organisms.
And could the photographer Phil Hart that captures several images of this phenomenon is a wonderful and asdkaaekh before the demise of this type of algae and clean water back again free of this type of algae.

These are some of the pictures taken by the photographer.

Gippsland lakes in Australia

The picture at the top is a friend of the photographer appears in a funny way and luminous atmosphere amid ghost Chase. Or rather central student-filled water.

Gippsland lakes in Australia

And this is another image also for water after I have a friends with photographer capture these images and optical radiation graduated water was different.

A photo along the Lakes, showing how the beauty and creativity of the Almighty Khaliq like picture-graphics programs, but it's really a picture of reality.

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