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8 pillars of a happy marriage

Unknown | 6:35:00 PM | 0 komentar

8 pillars of a happy marriage

A happy marriage -. Not random luck, it is a merit of the couple happiness in marriage comes easy, this mutual work and diligence. A happy marriage - the foundation of a happy family. And that is the foundation of a happy marriage? And how to make a happy marriage and family? Happiness in marriage rests on the feet, which are able to resolve any disputes and keep the peace in the house.

  • Faith
The most important attribute of a Muslim marriage is a faith that binds the spouses. Islam - it's a way of life, so that it becomes an integral part of the life of a Muslim.Faith, which is shared by spouses, creates the strong general - the basis of marriage, around which everything is built. So, the couple share the same values ​​and there is no differences in the understanding of each other, which is impossible in a mixed marriage.Moreover, the religion of Islam is prescribed as a caring attitude to the husband and wife, that only strengthens the bonds of marriage. And the stronger the faith, the stronger becomes the Union.
  • Patience
SABR - the most useful tool in everyone's life. The ability to be tolerant and patient to protect people from a lot of trouble, keeps his nerves and leads to wisdom.Besides, patience brings a person closer to the Almighty Allah through tawakkul and trust. Man generates an internal mechanism that allows it to withstand the difficulties of life, including those arising in marriage.
In the Qur'an, Almighty said: "Verily, every person in loss, except those who believe and do righteous deeds enjoined on each other truth, and enjoined on each other patience!" (103: 2-3).
  • friendship
This aspect of marriage contains three components.The first - to establish friendly relations with our spouses. Relations based on friendship, easier to survive the pressure from the outside. We honor, trust, respect, and take care of our friends, even though we are different. These aspects, we must bring in the family. But it is not necessary to friendship, make a marriage so-called friendly relations. Islam man isolated leadership in the family, and it requires a certain attitude that can not be if the wife will treat each other as friends. This does not mean that the husband is a dictator, he - defender and guardian who has greater responsibility and thus occupies a dominant position. Likewise, children need to see parents of friends, but not acquaintances, which could be treated without respect. Friendship should be with family and friends by the husband / wife.
  • Sharing the fun
In the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said that he played and toyed with their wives.Hanging and fun only strengthen a marriage, bringing to him a special children's joy.
  • The financial aspect
According to experts, 80% of family conflicts arise due to financial issues. Married to avoid disputes over material aspects, and it is better to discuss material issues together. Budgeting plans for purchasing, cost accounting - wise way Incorporation household finances. And do not forget that according to Islam, with their money may dispose of his wife as she wants.
  • Respect
Sometimes spouses do not realize what changes await them after marriage, and when confronted with them, experiencing depression, confusion and resentment.The family should be the main the golden rule: "Family comes first", which means respect for the needs and rights of the spouse.
  • freedom
Marriage in Islam - is a partnership, not slaveryconsider that his wife -. Someone's property is alien to Islam. Islam supports the idea of ​​partnership and alliance, based on the fact that each retains the freedom to be themselves, while retaining the right spouse. Freedom is not to do what pleases everyone, freedom lies in the fact that no one is burdened by marriage, and does not require a spouse to be perfect, it is attentive to the needs of the spouse and the awareness of its shortcomings.
  • Future plans
Smart couples plan the future together. They talked financial plans, plans for the children together.Discussion of overall plans brings peace of mind and reliability in the relationship.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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