اسلام عليكما
In many verses of the Qur'an verse could read as short readings Dhikr or to form personal and character of the believer. Memorize the verse then repeats with full read penghayatan as readings Dhikr after the prayer or in the morning and evening.
The verse is read repeatedly restarted it will sink in and settles in the subconscious mind, and formed the characters as well as the corresponding appropriate personal meaning of the verse. The text is expected to shape the character of the believer and the soulless Qur'anic on people who read it regularly. Some of the text include the following:
- At-Tauba 51
qul lan yushiibanaa aa ill maa kataba allaaaa lan hu huwa mawlaanaa aa wa'al allaahi falyatawakkalialmu/minuuna51. Say: "in no case shall befall us but rather what God has set for us. He was our Protector, and only to God those who believe must trust. "Those who memorize and read this verse is repeated until percolating in his subconscious, believes that it will not overwrite themselves anything but what God has set for them. They have the belief that God's helper and protector they would protect them from a range of mean, and they trust and surrender yourself completely to God.They are freed from fear, anxiety, disappointment, and prolonged stress, because they are sincere and ridho with all the Ordinances of God, they surrender themselves completely to God.
- Ali Imran 160.

in yan urkumush allaahu falaa ghaaliba lakum wa-in yakhdzfaman ulkum dzaa alladzii yanshurukum min ba'dihiaa wa'al allaahi falyatawakkali almu/minuuna
160. If Allah helps you, then nobody is the one who can beat you; If God let you (no succour), then who the hell can help you (in addition to) from God then?Therefore be to God alone the believers trust.
Those who memorize and read as well as living up to the letter of Ali Imran, verse 160 this repeatedly until seep into the alam under aesre of his have the full conviction that if God helped them then there is no one any strength that could beat them. They believe that God always accompanies and is ready to succour in them. They are very afraid of if God didn't care and left them, therefore they always remember God at all times. They always trust and keep their good relationship with God. Inshallah they freed from anxiety and restless prolonged.
- At Thurr 48

WAishbeer lihukmi rabbika fa innaka-bi-a'yuninaawasabbih bihamdi rabbika hiina taquumu
48. And be patient in waiting for the Ordinance of God, that ye are in Our vision, and exalt by praising the Lord when you get up stand up
Those who memorize and read as well as living up to the letter At this 48 Thurr repeatedly reset to seep into the alam under the sadarnya am sure that if they are patient face many trials and temptations of God it will be always mindful of their circumstances, the program will motivate them to celebrate many purifying Allah's name.
This confidence will give strength to those in the face of numerous problems and difficulties of life.They do not easily give up and desperate.
- Al Baqarah 152

FAudzkuruunii adzkurkum waulii wal sykuruuaatakfuruuni
152. Therefore, remember ye unto me shall I remember (anyway) you, and be thankful to me, and do not deny the (favors).
Those who memorize and read surat Al-Baqarah, as well as live up to 152 this repeatedly reset to seep into the alam under sadarnya has full confidence that if they remember to God in their hearts at any time no matter where they are then Allahpun will remember them and always pay attention to all his and their needs.
They strive to always be grateful for various favors which God gave them, they are afraid to deny the delights of God on them. They do not overwrite the fear, anxiety and agitation, because they believe God is always with them wherever they are.
- An Nahl 128

Inna allaaha ma'a alladziina ittaqaw waalladziina hum muhsinuuna
128. Verily Allah is with those who are righteous and people who do kindness
Those who memorize and read as well as living up to the letter of An Nahl verse 128 this repeatedly until seep into the alam under sadarnya has full confidence that God always be with people who are cautious and do goodness wherever they are. With this belief they would always try to always be cautious and do yourself a favor every time dimanapu they are. They do not feel anxious and afraid because sure God is always with them and always ready to protect and overshadowing them.
About God and nature a lot mentioned in the Qur'an, by reading the verses repeated rework and internalize expected we know and understand about God and nature. Verse the verse can be read as reciting Dhikr or to add to the belief in God
- Al-Baqara 255 (v. seats)

allaahu laa aaha il ill.aa huwa àlhayyu àlqayyuumu, laa ta khu/dzuhu wal sinatunaa nawmun, lahu maafii alssamaawaati wamaa fii àl-ardhi, man dzaaalladzii yasyfa'u ' indahu illaa bi-idznihi, ya'lamu maabayna aydiihim wamaa khalfahum walaayuhiithuuna bisyay min ' ilmihi-in ill.aa bimaaSyaawasi'a-a, kursiyyuhu alssamaawaait waal-ardha walaa yauuduhu hifzhuhumaa wahuwa àl'aliyyuàl'azhiimu
255. Allah, there is no God (the right to be worshipped) but rather The eternal life He again constantly take care of (his creatures); not sleepy and not sleeping. Zealous what is in the heavens and on Earth. Nothing can give intercession at God's side without his permission? God knows what-what is before them and behind them, and they do not know anything of the science but rather what God wills. Chair] God encompasses the heavens and the Earth. And God did not feel the weight of keeping both, and most high God again is great
This popular verse as verse memorized many of those seats as its bacan island after prayers or deny magic and Jinn. By reading this verse is repeated with full appreciation will provide confidence that there is no God but God, he is eternal life, not drowsy and sleep. His possession everything is there at the sky and the Earth. No one can give intercessory without his permission, knowing everything, and his powers include all over heaven and Earth, he did not feel tired and fatigued the universe take care of all this. Those who live this verse would lean completely on God, he did not feel fear, anxiety, worry because sure God will always protect her.
- Al Hashr 22

Huwa allaahu alladzii laa aaha il ill.aa huwa 'aalimualghaybi waalsysyahaadati huwa alrrahmaanualrrahiimu
22. He is the one God who is no God but He, who knows the unseen and real, She was the most gracious Most Merciful again
This verse gives us a belief that there is no God but God, he knows everything the occult or fix dhohir, he was most gracious most merciful again.
- Al Hashr 23

Huwa allaahu alladzii laa aaha il ill.aa huwa àlmalikuàlqudduusu alssalaamu withlmu/minu almuhayminual'aziizu aljabba ar u almutakabbiru subhaana allaahi ' ammaa yusyrikuuna
23. He is the one God who is no God but He, the King, the Holy of Holies, the most Prosperous, which Gives security, Most maintain, the mighty, Almighty, which has all the Grandeur, the Holy of Holies of God from what they associate
This verse gives us a belief that there is no God but God, the King of the Holy of Holies, the most prosperous, giving a sense of security, most maintain, mighty, mighty, has all the greatness, and no ally for him in controlling the universe.
- Al Hashr 24.

Huwa allaahu alkhaaliqu albaari-u withlmushawwiru lahu àl-asmaau alhusnaa yusabbi lahuhu maa fiialssamaawaait waal-ardhi wahuwa àl'aziizuàlhakiimu
24. He is the one God who created, which held up Fine, which has Asmaaul Husna. Celebrate him what in the heavens and the Earth. And he is the mighty again Most Wise
This verse gives us a belief that it is God who creates, hold and form the form of everything that is this universe hiking. He had the best name (asmaulhusna). And everything at the sky and the Earth celebrate always purify his name. He mighty again wise.
- Ali Imran 5.

Inna allaaha laa yakhfaa ' alayhi Shay-un fii àl-ardhi walaa fii alssamaa/i
5. Verily, for the God of none are hidden in the Earth and not (also) in the sky
This verse gives us confidence that God knows all things that exist at the sky and Earth, there is nothing that is hidden for him anything at the sky and the Earth. No one can hide from view and his supervision.
- Al Jumu'ah 1

yusabbihu lillaahi maa fii alssamaawaati wamaa fiiàl-ardhi àlmaliki àlqudduusi àl'aziizi àlhakiimi
1. Glorify unto God what is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the Earth. The King, the Holy of Holies, the mighty again Most wise.
This verse gives us a belief that anything that exists at the sky and the Earth always celebrate purifying God at any time. Star, moon, Sun, cloud, mountain, elekron, protons and atoms all celebrate purify him.He is the King of the Holy of Holies, the mighty and the Almighty wisdom.
7. Ar Ra'd 15

walillaahi yasjudu man fii alssamaawaait waal-ardhithaw'an wakarhan wazhilaaluhum bialghuduwwiawa l-aasaali
15. Only to Allaah to prostrate (obediently) everything what is in the heavens and on Earth, either by their own volition or forced (and bowed anyway) his shadow in the morning and evening.
This verse gives us a confidence that everything that exists at the sky and Earth are all submissive and subservient (prostrate) on God, either with their own accord or are forced to.
- HUD 3

WA-ani istaghfiruu rabbakum tsumma tuubuu ilayhi yumatti'kum mataa' an hasanan ilaa ajalin musamman wayu/ti kulla dzii fa fa lindhdhlahu wa-in tawallaw fa-inii Ahaafu ' alaykum ' adzaaba yawmin kabiirin
3. and let you ask goodness to your God and repent to him. (If you are working on that), he will give a good pleasure (continuously) to you until the time and she will give to each person who has primacy (reply) priorities. If ye turn away, then I fear you will be overwritten the torment of the day of judgement
This verse gives us confidence that if we repent and beg forgiveness on God, God will give you the pleasure and the good life continuously until the arrival of the time of death later. But if we never repent and beg forgiveness on God would later be overwritten and the torment of doom resurrection day.
- An Nisa 110

waman ya'mal suu-an aw yazhnafsahu tsumma lim yastaghfiri allaaha yajidi allaaha ghafuuran rahiimaan
110. And those who practise evil and mistreat her, then she beg forgiveness to God, he would find God most Forgiving Most Merciful again.
This verse gives us confidence that if we make a mistake and beg forgiveness on God, then we will find that God Almighty to forgive all our sins.
- AZ zumar 53

Qul yaa ' ibaadiya alladziina asrafuu ' alaa aaanfusihim l taqnathAct min rahdie allaahi innaallaaha yaghfiru aldzdzunuuba jamii'an innahuahuwa lghafuuru alwouldhk ou
53. Say: "O My servants the exceed limit of themselves, do not despair of the mercy of God. Allah forgives the sins of all. Indeed He-lah is most Forgiving, most merciful.
This verse gives us confidence so do not despair of the mercy of God, God always forgive the sins of those who beg forgiveness to them commit so and determined to not repeat the acts of his sin that yet.Allah is most forgiving and merciful.
- An Nisa ' 48

Inna allaaha laa yaghfiru an yusyraka bihi wayaghfiru maa duuna dzaalika liman yasyaau waman yusyrik biallaahi faqadi iftaraa itsman ' azhiimaan
48. Surely Allah will not forgive ascribing and he forgives all sins that apart from (shirk), for whom he wills. Whoso that divinity of God, indeed it has been doing a great sin.
This verse reminds us that God does not forgive the sin of people who allying him with something, but He forgave the sins of others.Partner, God is a great sin.
- Al Hadit 20

i'lamuu annamaa alhayaatu alddunyaa la'ibun walahwun waziinatun watafaakhurun baynakum figureaatsurun fii àl-amwaali waàl-awlaain kamatsali ghaytsin a'jaba alkuffaara nabaaGara tsumma yahiiju fataraahu mushfarran tsumma yakuunuhuthaaman wafii al-aakhirati ' adzaabun syadiidun wamaghfiratun mina allaahi waridhwaanun wamaa alhayaatu alddunyaa illaa aamat ' u lghuruur ai
20. Know, that real life of this world is just a game and neglect, jewelry and boast magnificent-between you and boasting about the number collision-property and children, such as the his crops awesome rain the farmers; then the plants were dried up and you see the color yellow and then be destroyed. And in the hereafter (later) there is a harsh punishment and forgiveness from God and means to him. And the life of this world is nothing but a deceptive coziness.
By reading the verse repeated rework we'll realize that the life of this world is only the earliest known, light-heartedness, jewelry, raced a lot of possessions and children. The analogy is like planting a plant looks lush verdant later became kuni ng wither and crumble. And the life of this world is but a false Mirage or pleasure only.
- An Nahl 96

maa indakum yanfadu wam 'aa ' inda allaahi baaqin walanajziyanna alladziina shabaruu ajrahum bi-ahsani maa kaanuu ya'maluuna
96. What by your side will vanish, and what is on the side of God is eternal. And behold, we will give a reply to the people who are impatient with the reward that is better than what they used to do
This verse gives us a belief that what there is in all this will all pass away and imperishable, eternal and immortal was merely what is God's hand in the form of charity of Dharma, worship, Dhikr and others.
- AR rahman 26-27

kullu man ' alayhaa faanin wayabqaa wajhu rabbikadzAct aljalaali waàl-ikraami
26. All that is on Earth will perish. 27. the eternal Essence and keep your Lord who has greatness and glory
This paragraph also has the same understanding as an Nahl 96 above.
1. Al Baqarah 153

yaa ayyuhaa alladz aaiina manuu bi ista'iinuualshshabri waalshshalaat.i. inna allaaha ma'a alshshaabiriina
153. O believers, therefore wait and pray as helpers[99], verily Allah is with those who patiently.
This verse reminds us to ask God patiently and working on the Eid prayer seta give confidence to us that God is always with the patient where ever she is.
- Al Baqarah 155

walanabluwannakum bisyay-in mina alkhawfi waaljuu'i wanaqshin mina al-amwaaliawa l-anfusi waaltstsamaraati wabasysyiri alshshaabiriina
155. And indeed we will give trials to you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits. And give good news to those who wait.
This verse reminds us that God will surely bring a wide range of exams on us during live is this world, and be happy people who are patient facing all the test and ordeal.
- Al Insan 24

FAishbeer lihukmi rabbika walaa tuthi ' minhumaatsiman aw kafuuraan
24. Then brings you to (implement) the Ordinances of your Lord, and follow not the sinners and those who are in between them
God reminds us to always be patient with the various Ordinances of God upon us, and not follow people are infidels and many sins.
4. Al Claiming 35

FAishbeer kamaa shabara uluu àl'azmi minaalrrusuli walaa tasta'jil lahum ka-annahum yawma yarawna maa yuu'aduuna lam yalbatsuu illaa saa' atan min nahaarin balaaghun fahal yuhlaku illaaalqawmu alfaasiquuna
35. So be patient you as people who have the steadiness of the Apostles have be patient and do not ask for expedited the better for them. On the day they see the doom that threat to them (to feel) as if not living (in the world) but rather a moment during the day.(This is) a lesson is sufficient, then it is not destroyed but rather the wicked.
This verse reminds us to be patient like temper on the prophets and Apostles in the face of his people, do not curse or pray for doom for those who don't want to obey God, they will realize it later let day of the resurrection, when they are not living in this world but only the blink of an eye only.
- Us 43 syuura

walaman shabara waghafara inna dzaalika lamin ' azmi àl-umuuri
43. But people who are patient and forgive, (the Act) that includes things that take precedence.
This passage reminds that patience and sorry is the Act of a man of faith
- An Nahl 126

WA-in 'aaqabtum fa 'aaqibuuaa bimitsli m ' uuqibtum bihi wala-in shabartum lahuwa khayrun lilshshaabiriina
126. And if you give a reply, then please reply with the same reply with the torture inflicted upon you. But if you are patient, indeed that is what is better for those who wait
- Ali Imran 142

am hasibtum an tadkhuluu aljannata walammaaya'lami allaahu alladzjaaiina haduu minkum waya'lama alshshaabiriina
142. do you think that you will enter paradise God real to people who strive among and yet real people who wait.
In this verse Allah tells us that we will not go to heaven just as easily before real deeds we in Jihad and do goodness.
1. Fathir 2

maa yaftahi allaahu lilnnaasi min rahmatin falaamumsikaaa lah wamaa aa yumsik fal mursila lahu min wahuwa ba'dihi àl'aziizu àlhakiimu
2. What Allah granted to humans in the form of grace, then no man can hold it; and what is held by God then no one was able to let it go after that. And he is the mighty again Most Wise
This verse explain that what grace has set Right for someone no one Her strength was can hinder its, but whatever God withheld from someone then nothing could opened it but God.
- Al Israak 30

Inna rabbaka yabsuthu alrrizqa liman yasyaau wayaqdiru innahu kaana bi'ibaadihi khabiiran bashiiraan
30. Verily thy Lord broadened the sustenance to whom he wills and her constrict; Verily, he is Omniscient again Seer will be his servants.
This verse confirms that it is God who broadened and narrowed its sustenance for someone
- Ash Syuuraa 12

Lahu maqaaliidu alssamaawaait waal-ardhi yabsuthu alrrizqa liman yasyaawayaqdiru innahu bikulli Shay u-in ' aliimun
12. Zealous that the treasures of heaven and Earth; He broadened the provision for whom he wills and narrowed its (his). Behold He Doth know everything
- An Nuur 56

wa'ada allaahu alladz aaiina manuu minkum wa'amiluu alshshaalihaati layastakhlifannahum fii àl-ardhi kamaa istakhlafa alladzmin qablihim walayumakkinanna lahum iina diinahumu alladzii irtadaa walayubaddilannahum min ba'di khawfihim lahum amnan ya'buduunanii laa yusyrikuuna bii Shay-an waman kafara ba'da dzaalika faul ...aa-ika humu alfaasiquuna
55. And God has promised to those who believe in you and do charity-Charity saleh that he truly will make their ruling in advance of the Earth, as he has made people before they came to power, and he will confirm for them the religions that have been his approves them, and she really will switch (State) they are, when they in frightened halcyon being safe. They fixed my to worship with no partner, anything with me. And whoever (fixed) infidels after promises that, then that's their irreligious people.
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Category: Islamic prayer, Worship
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