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The largest lake in the world

Unknown | 7:25:00 AM | 0 komentar

Reflected the creativity of the creator Almighty in all creation, and that evidence of his greatness, strength, strong, see creativity in man and animals and nature scenery and natural attractions that amaze us of mountains , Plains, oceans and seas, including large and small but very precision and beauty, and in this article we will talk about the creativity of God in nature and is a lake.
The largest lake in the world

What is the largest lake in the world?

Lake Caspian

  • Sometimes called the sea or a Lake, the reason for the properties of the sea and the lagoon, where it contains numerous Islands, inhabited and uninhabited ones, and some carrot oil stocks, and that's what makes it a so-called sea and, on the other hand, are limited to five beaches waters mentioned earlier, and this makes it called Lake.
  • The largest lake in the world space.
  • With an area of 173, 000 square kilometers.
  • The largest closed sea in the world, with a length of 1,200 km, and up to 300 km, and its maximum depth is 1023 metres.
  • And so named in relation to the Iranian city of Qazvin.
  • Limiting this Lake from the North and North-West Russia, Azerbaijan, and Iran to the West, South, and East Kazakhstan.
  • Pour in the Lake several rivers including: Volga River as the main source of the waters of the Caspian Sea from Russia, with the river alterik of Russia and the Ural River which comes from Kazakhstan, and the river Kura from the Republic of Azerbaijan, and White River coming from Iran.
  • Used fish caviar estuaries rivers to lay eggs.
  • Contains swamps the Northeast shore of the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan the world's largest oil fields, Tengiz field.

Months the World Lakes 

  • Lake Victoria is the largest lake in the continent of Africa, and is also the second largest lakes in the world, characterized by purity and approximately 69 square kilometers.
  • Lake Baikal is the deepest lake Lake on the surface of the Earth, where it's located in the center of the Asian continent, ranging almost 31722 km.
  • Lake Como: Lake popular romantic lakes on the surface of the Earth where the junction of lovers and celebrities, were originally glacial Lake, with an area of approximately 146 km.

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