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Prayer for the sick heal

Unknown | 4:56:00 PM | 0 komentar

During the life of the world since I was a baby until we close the eyes of various diseases has always been lurking in our lives all the time. No one never touched the disease. Minimal pain fever, flu, cough all people would never experience it.
Prayer for the sick heal

There is a disease that is light and easy healing such as coughs, colds and fevers but there is also a difficult healing diseases like cancer, tumors, HIV and others. A malignant disease and healing is difficult to handle it usually takes a long time and cost a bit. They are perhaps not so thick pockets full of problems,
regardless of the cost they will try. But for those with pockets full of thin this cost issue is the main obstacle that is difficult to overcome.Sometimes they are forced to suffer the unbearable pain that resist. The absence of a cost cause they had to withstand the pain due to the variety of the disease.
A variety of ailments suffered a person is actually a test and trials of Allah, that they should repent and return to Allah, as reminded in Sura Al-Insan 29
29. This is indeed a reminder, then whoever wills (kindness for him) he took the path to his Lord. (Al Insan 29)
Cure various diseases that to Allah is not a difficult matter, besides the effort to treat medically enlist the aid of Allah. Without permission and the will of Allah seseoang can't possibly cured of various ailments he suffered, even though he went to various hospitals in the world, and the most expensive cost tens of billion though.
Cure various diseases that to Allah is not a difficult matter, besides the effort to treat medically enlist the aid of Allah. Without permission and the will of Allah seseoang can't possibly cured of various ailments he suffered, even though he went to various hospitals in the world, and the most expensive cost tens of billion though.
The Qur'an is the drug and healer for a variety of ailments suffered human, good medical disease, psychiatric disorders or diseases caused by the Jinn and magic. As reminded Allah in Sura Al israak verse 82:
82. And we sent down the Qur'an from a being a bidder and mercy for the believers and the Quran is not adding to those losses other than tyrant (Al Israak 82)
If you suffer from any illness either light or heavy, ask Allah help to cure the disease. Besides medical treatment is medically or medicine herbal drugs, ask the help of Allah by working on night prayers or tahajud. In the night prayer or verse paragraph please read it tahajud healer (Al-betterbydrbrooke) which we pass on in this article. Experience the wonders of Allah help. Insha Allah there is no sickness for Allah. He causes a disease and she also cured him, as he reminded Allah in Al Syu'araa 80:
80. and when I am ill, it is he who cures me (Al Syu'araa 80)
Here we pass on some of the verse betterbydrbrooke (healer) in the Qur'an. Read the verse the verse in the prayer by understanding its meaning. Hope for healing and Allah help in dealing with a variety of ailments that you suffered. If Allah wanted nothing is impossible for Allah, however heavy illnesses a person easily Allah could heal him.

  1. An Nahl 49-50

walillaahi yasjudu maa fii alssamaawaati wamaa al-ar fiidhi min daabbatinaawaalmal-ikatu wahum laayastakbiruuna
yakhaafuuna rabbahum min fawqihim wayaf'aluuna maa yu/maruuna
49. And to Allah prostrate all alone what is in the heavens and all the beings that slither across the Earth and (also) the ma] aikat, while they (the Angel) don't brag. 50. they fear their Lord above them and carry out what was ordered (to them). (An Nahl 49-50)
Please read the text above with the understanding the meaning and intent of the text. Read as a prayer or reading read as readings daily Dhikr outside of prayer. There are some messages that are contained in the second paragraph.
  • Underneath everything there at the sky and the Earth, such as stars, planets, asteroids, galaxy, tree, mountain, cloud, according to animal on Earth, flying the sky swim at sea, a variety of viruses, bacteria and germs of disease the angels, all bow down to Allah the ruler of the universe of the most high.
  • They all do not boast against Allah, they are afraid and are subject to the ruling of Allahfull of real parts of the heavens and the Earth.
  • They are always ready to carry out whatever is commanded of Allahto them
Understand and believe what is delivered both the text, if you are sick then all sorts of viruses and bacteria and cells cells that cause illness ditubuh you it's all subject to Allah. Those who run what is commanded of Allah on them. If you ask with a really really so that they leave your body and Allah grant it undoubtedly you will be healed of various diseases that.

  1. AL Araf 206
Inna alladziina ' inda rabbika laa yastakbiruuna ' ib 'aadatihi wayusabbihuunahu walahu yasjuduuna
206. Indeed the angels that are on the side of your Lord does not feel reluctant to worship Allah and they consecrate him and only him that their prostrate (Al-ARAF 206)
  1. AL ISRAAK 44
tusabbihu lahu alssamaawaatu alssab'u waàl-ardhu waman fiihinna wa-min Shay-in in ill.aa yusabbihbi uhamdihi walaakin laa tafqahuuna tasbiihahum innahu kaana haliiman ghafuuraan
44. the seven Heavens, the Earth and all that is in it to celebrate Allah. And no nothing but rather celebrate by praising him, but you all don't understand their prayer beads. Verily he is Most Forgiving Most of trustees again. (Al Israak 44)
Read sura Al-ARAF 206 and al Israak para 44 above with the full understanding and earnest. Can be read as a prayer or reading read as daily Dhikr. There are a number of messages contained in paragraph mentioned above:

  • Sura Al-ARAF 206 explains that the entire existing Angelic real over the heavens and the Earth never brag of the worship of Allah. They always celebrate Allah purifying any time, and they always kneel to him.
  • In the letter Al Israak verse 44 Allah confirms again that everything at the sky and the Earth as the Sun, stars, planets, asteroids, galaxy, mountain, tree, sea, rivers, birds fly in the sky, fish that swim at sea and all the beings that slither on the Earth, a variety of viruses, bacteria and germs of disease all celebrate the name of Allah to purify all the time. It's just that we don't understand their prayer beads.
  • This is a warning for us to emulate and imitate the persistence of angels and all things at the sky and the Earth were in worship to Allah. Face hearts and minds on Allah, just multiply celebrate in the hearts wherever we are
If you are being wracked by a variety of ailments, both diseases are benign or malignant tumors, such as cancer, HIV,  probably believethat every cell disease in body you submit and obey Allah, they also celebrate on Allah. By reading this text repeatedly expect to Allah that he cure various diseases your in body, so Allah ordered various diseases that leave your body with the consent and the will of God.Pour all of your hope in Allah, who has the ability to repair all the damage that occurs in the cells of your body.

  1. AL ISRAAK 8200:00:00

mina wanunazzilu alqur-aani maa huwa syifaawara unhmatun lilmu/aa miniina wal yaziidualzhzhaalimiina ill. typicalaa aaaarn
82. And we sent down the Qur'an from a being a bidder and mercy for the believers and the Quran is not adding to those losses in addition to the tyrant.(Al Israak 82)
Please read the text above with the understanding the meaning and intent of the text. Read as a prayer or reading read as readings daily Dhikr outside of prayer. There are some messages that are contained in the second paragraph.
  • That Allah has made to the Qur'an as a remedy (betterbydrbrooke ') and grace for all believers
  • The Qur'an is not give benefits to people who are dzolim and do not believe in on the truth of the Qur'an.
Believe with all my heart in the belief that the Qur'an is read it is a revelation from Allah that can provide relief from various ailments and be mercy for the believers.

  1. AL HASHR 21-2400:0000:

law anzalnaa haadzaa alqur-aana ' alaa jabalin lara-aytahu khaasyi'an mutashaddi'an min khasyyatiallaahi watilka al-amtsaalu nadhribuhaa lilnnaasi la'allahum yatafakkaruuna
Huwa allaahu alladzii laa aaha il ill.aa huwa 'aalimualghaybi waalsysyahaadati huwa alrrahmaanualrrahiimu
huwa allaahu alladzii laa ilaaha illaa huwa almalikualqudduusu alssalaamu almu/minu almuhayminual’aziizu aljabbaaru almutakabbiru subhaana allaahi ‘ammaa yusyrikuuna
huwa allaahu alkhaaliqu albaari-u almushawwiru lahu al-asmaaalhusnaa yusabbihu lahu maa fiialssamaawaati waal-ardhi wahuwa al’aziizualhakiimu
21. If We sent down this Qur'an to a mountain, for sure you will see it subject to split to pieces due to his fear of Allah. And parables that we made for humans lest they think 22. He is the Allah who is no Allah but He, who knows the unseen and real, She was the most gracious Most Merciful again. 23. He is the one God who is no Allah but He, the King, the Holy of Holies, the most Prosperous, which Gives security, Most maintain, the mighty, Almighty, which has all the Grandeur, the Holy of Holies of Allah from what they associate. 24. He is the one Allah who created, which held up Fine, which has Asmaaul Husna. Celebrate him what in the heavens and the Earth. And he is the mighty again Most wise.

Please read the text above with the understanding the meaning and intent of the text. Read as a prayer or reading read as readings daily Dhikr outside of prayer. There are some messages that are contained in the second paragraph.
  • If the Qur'an is derived on a mountain the mountain will undoubtedly smashed due to the fear of God. If a mountain could possibly disintegrate much less bacteria, viruses and germs that disease is undermining a person's body is destroyed, will certainly deal with the Qur'an.
  • Allah knows all things both real and the supernatural, and he was most gracious most merciful again.
  • Allah is no God but He, the King of the Holy of Holies, the most prosperous, giving a sense of security, most maintain, mighty, Almighty, Almighty, Holy of Holies of what they associate.
  • Allah who created, made and formed everything, and have a asmaul husna. Everything at the sky and Earth glorify him each time. He exalted and most wise.
Believe with all my belief that if these verses read in cancer, tumors, HIV and other diseases arising out of cell abnormality or disturbance of bacteria and viruses, all of the bacteria and viruses that will be crushed and destroyed because of the fear of Allah.Believe that Allah knows all things supernatural and surreal, she is most strongly carry out whatever he wants. No one any strength that can oppose the will of Allah. Believe that Allah Almighty created able to repair all the damage that occurs in your body.
  1. AL MUK MINUUN 115-11600:0000:0

AfAhasibtum annamaa khalaqnaakum ' abatsan wa-annakum ilaynaa aa l turja'uuna
FATA 'aalaa allaahu àlmaliku àlhaqqu laa aaha il ill.aa huwa rabbu àl'arsyi àlkariimi
115. Thus do you think that we created you in main-main (only), and that you will not be returned to us?116. Then the most high Allah, the King of the real;There is no Allah but He, the Lord, (which has) ' a glorious Throne (Al Mukminuun 115-116)

  1. AL SYU'ARAA 78-8100:0000

alladzii khalaqanii fahuwa yahdiini
WAalladzii huwa yuth' imunii wayasqiini
WA-idzaa letdhtu fahuwa yasyfiini
WAalladzii yumiitunii tsumma yuhyiini
78. (i.e. God) who created me, and it is he who guides me, 79. and my Lord, That he was giving up food and drink to me 80. and when I am ill, it is he who cures me, 81. and that will turn off, then I'll turn on me (back), (Al syu'araa 78-81)
Read sura Al-Mukminun 115-116 and Syu'araa ash 78-81 with the full understanding and earnest. Can be read as a prayer or reading read as daily Dhikr.There are a number of messages contained in the above paragraph:
  • That Allah did not make us all with main and useless, we will all be back to him for mempertanggung with all that we have been working on during the life of this world.
  • Then The Most High Allah, The King Of The Real;There is no Allah but He, the Lord, (which has) ' a glorious Throne.
  • That is the Allah who made us and give instructions for everything
  • As well as the Lord who fed and watered on us
  • If we get sick then he healed her
  • He will turn off and turn us back later
Believe in your heart that Allah has not made us all in vain, and we will definitely go back to him. I believe wholeheartedly that he is the most high Allah, King of the truth, there is no Allah but the one who has the high Throne. I believe wholeheartedly that it is he who made us, gives guidance and instructions, membei eating and drinking, and cure all kinds of diseases in the us. Believe in your heart that he is the turn off and turn on. Read the verse with a really really expect healing to Allah. Sure is that there is no disease that can't be cured by Allah. He who created the disease and he is also the cure.
  1. THUR at 48-49
WAishbeer lihukmi rabbika fa innaka-bi-a'yuninaawasabbih bihamdi rabbika hiina taquumu
wamina allayli fasabbihhu wa-idbaara alnnujuumi
48. And be patient in waiting for the Ordinance of Allah, that ye are in Our vision, and bertasbihlah by praising the Lord when you get up stand up 49. and bertasbihlah to him at some time in the evenings and at the time of the evening stars (at dawn). (At Thur 48-49)
Please read the text above with the understanding the meaning and intent of the text. Read as a prayer or reading read as readings daily Dhikr outside of prayer. There are some messages that are contained in the second paragraph.
  • In order for us to be patient undergoing the Ordinance of Allah, the pain we suffer mere eyes is present because of the permissions and the will of Allah.
  • Rest assured with the patient through the Ordinance of Allah (sick), we always have in monitoring and his guards.
  • Set your heart to always celebrate the name of Allah to purify all the time at the time of standing, sitting and lying down, at morning, afternoon and evening.
With the above verse verse believed set out for the patient undergoing the Ordinances of Allah in the form of the disease that are itchy. Knowing all the pain and suffer patiently, rest assured if Allah wanted all the diseases that will be gone in the blink of an eye. Expect a perfect healing from Allah. Multiply the reading sentences like the Rosary subhanallah. .... laa ilaha illa anta subhanaka kuntu inni minadzolimiin (there is no Allah but Thee, thou sacred verily I include people who dzolim .... This is the greeting of the Rosary when the prophet Jonah in the belly of the whale)
Please read all of the above verse is repeated rework by understanding its meaning. It's good to memorize all the verse make as readings of the prayer. Can also be used as a reading in the night prayer or healing from Allah please Duha over various diseases suffered.
Sura Al-Hashr verses 21-24 if read repeatedly reset can be used to turn a cell cancerous cells, tumors, HIV virus, various germs and bacteria diseases. This verse also serves to restore the cells damaged cells and accelerates the healing process. If not memorized can be downloaded and listened only to destroy the intention MP3, cancer cells, tumors, and various viruses and diseases that plague germs.
If you are suffering from a disease such as cancer, cysts, tumors, or disease mium chronical read or listen to the mail merge An Nahl 49-50, Al-ARAF 206, 44, Al Israak Al Israak, Al Hashr 82 21-24, Al Mukminuun 115-116 and Su'araa Ash 78-81, At Thur 48-49 above regularly every day. Harapkanlah healing from Allah. Listen to MP 3 verse following combined use of headsheat to be more preoccupied.

Next multiply celebrate by saying " SUBHAN ALLAH " as much of the number as recommended in the paragraph above. It could also sentence utterance with the rosary as "LAA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU, MINAZDHOLIMIN " (there is no Allah but Thee, thou art the true sacred we include people who zolim)
Or speech SUBHANALLAH WALHAMDULILLAHI WALA ILAAHA ILLALLAHU ALLAAH AKBAR, " (Allah Holy of Holies, praise be to Allah, there is no God but Allah, and Allah is great)
Dealing with all of the exams it patiently, easy to hope Allah gave healing on you. Remember no prayer that is rejected by Allah. If you have not yet healed, be patient the pain you suffer if you accept with sincere and patient are recorded by Allah as a charitable goodness and worship. As long as you haven't cured means you are in a State of worship. You are waiting for one of the two victories was cured and healthy back or die in the way Allah sahid.
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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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