How The Night
How The Night
The night is prayer at night and begins his time after praying ' Isha ' to dawn, preferably in the last third of the night. It was narrated from Abu hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah-peace be upon him-said: " God descends to the lowest heaven each night while he spends the first third of the night. It says: I am the King. I am the King. From this the tastiest me, respond to him! Who ask me, give him! Who ask pardon me, forgive him! It remained so until the dawn shines ", narrated by Muslim.
It was Prophet-saw-pray eleven rak'ahs, as in Shahih Bukhari and Muslim from Aisyah, his identification of the number of rak'ahs, it cannot increase it, it is simply an act of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, wanted only so it is the best, and it increased there is nothing wrong with that.
It was the sahaabah arrive twenty rak'ahs during the reign of Umar, Uthman, and Ali may Allah be pleased with them, Al-tirmidhi said: "most scholars on what was narrated from Umar and Ali, and other companions of the Prophet-SAW-twenty rak'ahs, is revolutionary and Ibn Al-mubaarak, Al-shaafa'i and said: thus I realized people in Mecca pray twenty rak'ahs."
Rule the night
Night prayer goes a certain assignment to the Qur'an and the praise, and it was prompted by the Prophet, and the lower one rak'ah of witr at the correct scholarly view, stated in Al-saheehayn it is narrated the Prophet-peace be upon him-said: " the night prayer Al Muthana. If waxing Wouter eased by one ". In al-Sunan, the Prophet-peace be upon him-said: "the chord right from the outer seven, wills and wills five Otter, Otter three wills, wills Otter one ".
WordPress in the Sahih that Ibn Abbas was told: " you are on faithful Mu'awiyah, outer only one? Said: hit, that Faqih ". And the most number of her prostrations, the year of the Prophet-peace be upon him-he was only eleven rak'ahs, as in true about Aisyah, proved him-peace be upon him-he prayed two rak'ahs after witr, first is to maintain this number, and desire to grow, there is nothing wrong with it. And the night doesn't end to most, but more a slave in his prayers and more, this increase in goodness.
Evidence of the night
There are many evidence of Quran and Sunnah, which invites and urges that night, including the great virtues and benefits, Huda was Prophet-Prophet-in all his words and deeds is a distinguished leader lodestar in tracing, was narrated by Muslim from Abu hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah-peace be upon him-asked: any prayer better yet written? Any better after fasting during Ramadan? He said: " the best written prayer after prayer, prayer in the middle of the night. Best fast after Ramadan, the fasting month Muharram ", narrated by Muslim.
It was Abdullah bin AMR Allaah says: " to pray one rak'ah in the middle of the night to pray the day ten rak'ahs." The first was its prophet spake the Prophet-Muslims after his emigration to Medina is the night, and said, "o people, they consider peace, give food, arrived in the wombs arrived at night when people are asleep, enter paradise in peace ", narrated by Al-albany.
Was the Prophet-urges Muslims to night prayer and entrusted, Abu bin Ka'b said: " the Messenger of God-prophet-if two thirds went the night he said: o people, remember God, remember Allah, Trump came second, followed by death including death, including, Abe said: I said: o Messenger of God I pray more than you, how I make you my prayers? He said: what you said: I said: fourth quarter, said: whatever the increase is good for you, I said, he said: what you want, the increase is good for you, said: I said: two thirds, he said, the increase is good for you, say: make you my prayers all said: If enough me, and forgive you your sins , " narrated by HR-tirmidhi.
In testament to the Prophet-peace be upon him-said: " o Muhammad nest you wish you Mitt, and love from you like you are an anachronism, and do what you want you're rewarding him, I know that theist honor his night, Azza despotism on people ", narrated by Al-albany.
The night was also not limited to just men, women also have been invited, from Abu hurayrah, the Prophet peace be upon him-said: " may God have mercy on the man of the night, quarterly, and awakened his wife, separated, ABT perfusion in her water, and God bless the woman of the night, and awoke her husband, prayed, my father, sad face water ," narrated by Ahmad.
The best time for qiyaam al-layl
Start time of the night prayer of finishing evening prayers, and continued until dawn, never second best times is the last for the night, because the Lord Almighty descends to the lowest heaven, says: " is it liquid gives? Do you need answered? Is it moustaghfir forgive him? Until dawn , " narrated by Muslim and Ahmad.
If pray at any time it may hit the year, God willing, the remuneration and either afraid to not wake up, it's best to pray and pray witr before sleeping, as the true Prophet-Prophet-in Sunan Al-tirmidhi and others.
Catalysts for qiyaam al-layl
There are some things that invites and encourages him to the night, and performance, including:
- Sensing that God invites you to do.
- Call Messenger-Prophet-us for the night, it was prayer and peace leaves only if sick or on a journey.
- Sleep on the left side. Pray and to request God to help you on the night. Know that the reason for expelling ignorance from the heart.
- Sleep on purity, evoking the intention for the night prayer.
- Know that Allah laughs for the night.
- After dinner sleep directly, so Muslim do prayers at night.
- Know that God exists boast the night before angels. Waking up before dawn for hours if you can't do the first night.
- Do not stress the body dramatically on the day.
- Stay away from sins that prevent the man from the night.
- Mainly due to Neil's paradise, one of the greatest benefits, the Almighty said: " sit on their beds ttgavi claim their Lord in fear and hope, which provide with the means of subsistence us them spend do not learn the same concealed them from the Apple of the eyes of tributes to what they were doing ," Sajda/16-17. The Prophet said: " people they consider peace, give food, they got people are asleep, enter paradise in peace ", narrated by HR. Tirmizi
- Way of thanking God for all the grace and publicly hailed the slave, God promised thank increases, said: " as we authorize your Lord while you thanked lazidenkm while you expiated the torment of the grave ," Ibrahim/7.
- Close to God, is due in the atonement and forgiveness of sins slave disadvantages, the Prophet said: " you in the night, he consistently righteous before you, and the closeness to God, the wemnhah of sin, and atonement for sin, and sustained disease from the body ", narrated by Hr-tirmidhi in the University and classed as Hasan by Al-albany.
- Subject to the divine, and notes the reason for du'aa, giving the question, because it is at the time of the revelation of God to the lowest heaven, from Abu hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah-peace be upon him-said: " the Lord blessed and exalted, descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the other night stays, says: me, respond, ask me, give him, ask pardon me, forgive him , narrated by Al-bukhaari.
Abu haamid Al-ghazaali said reasons for the phenomenon and other invisible works to facilitate a night for Muslim causes, four things:
- But frequently eating it frequently drinking, fell asleep, and overburden it.
- But the same tired day no interest therein.
- No napping during the day, they had to do.
- Only commits the burdens the day, denied carrying out night. When a young man asked al-Hasan Al-Basri, said: I can't the night? He said: she shackled you your sins.
- The safety of heart for hatred for Muslims, and fads, and curiosity.
- Fear Ghalib needed heart with hope.
- To know about the virtue of praying qiyaam all night.
- He supervised the motives: love for God, and the power of faith that he does not speak with character is monologues.
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