7 Mysterious Sign Appears If you will death
Death to this day is still a mystery to many people. In fact, death is indisputable and must never become part of people's lives. Who is already born, in the end will not be able to avoid death.
The question is, will do later life after someone passes through death? It is still often harass and make many humans concerned. Fears for the sake of fear of even death the bigger it feels.
Often it is said that the deaths came never news, always silently and suddenly just deprive anyone in a heartbeat.
There are several signs indicating death will come. Reported by keepo.me, these signs can even present far before someone dies. Like what the heck is a real signs that death is imminent?
The First Sign
The death of a person was near when the color of her skin slowly transforms into a pale and there's redness. The age of the person will not be more than 6 months.
The Second Sign
When someone already could no longer see his shadow in front of the mirror, glass or water, then death will soon pick up.Uniquely, the only people who knew, while others will not notice it.
The Third Omen
When a person began to see many things just look all black.Death draws closer and will soon pick up.
The Fourth Omen
When the week left hand convulsing person then that person's age is never more than a month.
The Fifth Omen
If sensitivity to one's senses begin to immune and cannot be used, then only his age will last 6 months.
The Sixth Sign
If someone can't see the light of the Moon, the Sun or even fire, then the sign indicated he would soon die.
The Seventh Sign
If the tongue starts to stiff, swollen and thickened gums in the condition of someone is sick, then his age will not be much longer.
Not everyone believed the signs of death above. The mark is told by Hindu belief. True or not, to this day still remains an unsolved mystery.
Category: Islamic stories
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